UC Berkeley security policy mandates compliance with Minimum Security Standard for Electronic Information for devices handling covered data. The recommendations below are provided as optional guidance to assist with achieving requirement 15.4, Data Access Agreement.
Resource Proprietors must establish Data Access Agreements that define appropriate use and access to covered data, as well as procedures for obtaining approval for deviation from restrictions.
Incomplete and inconsistent formal agreements to terms and conditions may lead to negligence by employees and contractors in the handling and distribution of sensitive data.
The purpose of the Data Access Agreement is to specify the terms under which users are provided access to the specified data, and to obtain explicit acceptance of those terms by a user prior to granting him or her access to the data.
Protection Level(s): | |
1.1 Removal of non-required covered data | P2, P3, P4 |
3.1 Secure configuration | P2, P3, P4 |
5.1 Device physical security | P4 |
8.1 Privacy and Security Training | P4 |
9.1 Unique passphrase | P2, P3, P4 |
9.2 Separation of accounts | P2, P3, P4 |
13.1 Controlled access based on need to know | P2, P3, P4 |
14.1 Account monitoring and management | P4 |
15.1 Encryption in transit | P2, P3, P4 |
15.2 Encryption on mobile devices and removable media | P4 |
15.3 Secure deletion upon decommission | P2, P3, P4 |
16.3 Incident Response Training | P2, P3, P4 |
* A Data Access Agreement can be a standalone document or a section within a broader Service Agreement that defines a service to be provided. If the Data Access Agreement is part of a broader Service Agreement, the starred items are only necessary if not already defined in other areas of the Service Agreement.
In addition to the above recommendations, where resources permit, the following controls should also be considered to enhance the effectiveness of data access agreements.
Terms defined on a separate page (not part of the login process) are unlikely to be read, and therefore, relying solely on links to terms and conditions is not a recommended solution. Instead, implement a solution to electronically keep track of user acceptance of the data access agreement.
Provided below is a template for a stand-alone Data Access Agreement. The template and sample text is provided as a guide, and should be adapted to fit the specifics of each system/data set.
Clearly identify the Data Proprietor (by name and/or role) and identify the data to be accessed. Also capture or provide (based on login) the user's name and their position and responsibility that requires access to the data set.
Data Proprietor:
for Data Set Name:
User Name:
in the role of:
Intended and allowable uses of the data.
I agree to use [system name] only for legitimate business purposes, restricting my usage to my designated professional responsibilities.
Designation of sensitivity of the data.
The [data set name] data in [system name] is classified as [P1-P4] and data protections have been established accordingly.
I agree to preserve the quality and integrity of the information I access, and to protect the privacy of any individual's personal information that I access.
(Example for a P2 or P3 system where users enter/edit records:)
I recognize that UC Berkeley is required to have strict access control over personal information that contains an individual's name or initials combined with:
and will not enter any such data, or any other Protection Level P4 data into the [system name] system.
All devices used to access this data must, at a minimum, meet the Protection Profile specified for individual devices for P2/P3. This includes:
6.1 Secure Coding Training 9.1 Unique passphrase 9.2 Separation of accounts 13.1 Controlled access based on need to know 15.1 Encryption in transit 16.3 Incident Response Training 17.1 MSSND ComplianceDevices accessing P4 data must meet the following MSSEI requirements for individual devices, in addition to protection profile for P2/P3 devices listed above:
1.1 Removal of non-required covered data 3.1 Secure configuration 8.1 Privacy and Security Training 14.1 Account monitoring and management 15.2 Encryption on mobile devices and removable media 15.3 Secure deletion upon decommission Please refer to MSSEI guidelines for specific guidance on how to comply with security requirements.Devices used to access administrative accounts must also meet Privileged Access Device security requirements for P1-P4 data.
I will obtain approval from the Data Proprietor before transferring data from [system name] to any individual who has not accepted the terms of this Data Access Agreement.
Protection of data in this system is governed by the following law, policy and regulation:
Secondary storage/systems may not be created from the [system name] data without prior approval of the Data Proprietor and registration and approval of the secondary storage/system with the Berkeley IT.
If my employment with the University ends, or my professional responsibilities no longer require access to the data, or the scope of required access changes, I have a joint responsibility with the Data Proprietor to ensure my system access is revoked or changed appropriately. If my access is not changed in a timely manner, I will notify the Data Proprietor.
I agree to the terms of this Data Access Agreement.
Signature of user or "I accept" button.