Tips for Writing an Acquisition Press Release

When a company completes an acquisition, it justifies the issue of a press release to inform the media about the news. Both the purchase and gaining control of another company or entity is a big deal for a business, and it could mean expanded growth and market share.

To truly capitalize on this momentous achievement, you should notify industry reporters who could provide media coverage on the announcement. To do that, both quickly and effectively, the easiest way is to write and submit an acquisition press release.

In this guide, we’re going to share everything you need to know about drafting, formatting, and distributing a business acquisition press release, as well as answer these key questions:

Acquisitions are a big deal. Not sure your press release makes the cut?

We can help! Book a free consultation with a PR expert and we will help you write or review your acquisition press release.

Why should you issue a business acquisition press release?

A press release is a PR strategy tool with lots of benefits. A short written announcement, press releases are pitched to multiple media outlets to relay recent business news. The ultimate goal of a press release is to generate coverage to boost brand awareness, SEO, and PR.

The most important thing to take into consideration in preparation for issuing a press release is, every press release must be “newsworthy.” That is, the announcement has to have a kind of greater meaning and media contacts must feel that the news is a good fit for their outlet.

With that in mind, a business acquisition is a big deal, and would definitely be deemed newsworthy. Many journalists covering a relevant sector would likely consider reporting on an acquisition, as it signals growth within a company and a potential change to the market.

Issuing a press release can clear up any uncertainty also, and can ensure your ability to take control of a public narrative by leading with your side of the story.

There’re also many ways to produce a press release. Many companies rely on PR agencies, while others produce their own. This guide is geared toward the latter subset, providing all the tools needed to craft an impressive business acquisition press release.

What will make a business acquisition press release compelling?

Before we get to the craft of a press release, we’re going to review its foundation. The single most effective way to ensure your press release has the desired impact on readers is to make sure that it addresses the “5 Ws”—who, what, when, where, and why—right away.

Since these compose the bare essentials of your announcement info, it’s wise to have these questions answered before you even begin a press release draft.

Clarity on the 5 Ws can also help inspire you when it comes to devising a catchy headline for your press release, and inform the overall structure of the press release as well.

How do you write and format an acquisition press release?

Before you really get started, it’s worth noting that journalists receive lots of press releases. In fact, you’ll be lucky if a contact dedicates even a few minutes to scanning yours.

That’s why it’s essential to make sure your press release follows a PR industry-standard format. Failing to do so could mean your press release getting passed over altogether.

We realize business leaders are busy, perhaps with more important things than the fundamentals of a press release. But, if you get the basics down pat this first time, you’ll make generating press releases increasingly easier for yourself going forward.

Below are a few guidelines to adhere to when formatting and structuring your press release.

Basic guidelines for press release format

A press release is short and to the point, never much longer than a page in length. They are generally laid out similarly to a news article, with a clear and catchy headline, subheading, and answers to the 5 Ws within the first paragraph.

The importance of the relevant information presented clearly at the opening cannot be stressed enough. You don’t want to make a journalist read all the way to the end paragraphs to discover the name of the company you’ve acquired—trust us, they won’t make it that far.

To avoid this, press releases are structured like an “inverted pyramid,” which puts the most important information at the top and the rest in order of its relevance.

Below is a standard format for press releases, and should be the blueprint for your own.

Some press releases might also include visuals or hyperlinks to increase engagement. In this case, it might be a business logo(s) or a photo of personnel involved with the acquisition.

Pro tips for press release writing

Well, we’ve nailed the press release layout, but we’re not done. There are plenty of professional pointers that can help you make your good press release better.

Check out these quality insider tips from our PR gurus about the art of press release writing:

Examples of acquisition press releases

Acquisitions happen all the time in the business world, so there are plenty of examples of actual press releases issued by companies that you can look to for inspiration.

Below, we’ve compiled a short list of recent acquisition press releases we think fit the mold.

Premium Aged Domain Provider Odys Global Has Acquired

Published on GlobeNewswire, this press release primarily celebrates the JuiceMarket’s company founder taking on special projects for Odys Global and helping the business grow. Read the full press release here.

U.S. Bancorp to Acquire MUFG Union Bank

Here’s an example of a press release announcing an upcoming acquisition after both parties agreed on the terms. As it deals with financial bodies, it also states the exact price tag of the acquisition right at the top. Read the full press release here.

Looking for more coverage options, check out our other press release guides:

How do you send out a business acquisition press release?

When it comes to the distribution of your press release, though it’s a vital component of the process, it’s pretty cut and dry. There are only two ways to go about it.

Distribute it via personal email

This tends to be a preferred method for smaller companies looking to develop working relationships with media contacts.

To distribute your press release DIY style, you need to locate and compile a list of email addresses for reporters and editors to then pitch them your press release. Though it may sound time-consuming, it can work wonders for building a contact database.

Distribute it via newswire

Also called press release distribution platforms, this is a way to share your press release with a large number of media outlets simultaneously for a fee.

Newswires can also often syndicate your news on partner platforms, a popular method for press release distribution. But companies need to remember this strategy can be costly and leaves issuers with little control over who the press release is sent.

Press release distribution timing

As we’ve mentioned, you might issue a business acquisition press release as soon as the acquisition terms have been agreed upon, or after the acquisition is complete. If you’re a major company you might even share a press release to mark both milestones.

But timing a press release is everything, and remember the importance of newsworthiness. That is, you want to make sure the acquisition is a sure thing and will have a positive impact on your industry.

Wrapping up on business acquisition press releases

If you’ve made it to this point in the guide, congratulations! You are ready to craft the perfect press release with all these new tools at your disposal.

If you’re still not sure how to write your acquisition press release, let us help! Simply book a free consultation with us to get expert insight into how to start or improve your press release.